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Monday, September 9, 2013

Venus Factor Diet

Venus Factor: John Barban Reveals A Breakthrough Tip For Controlling Weight Loss, Igniting Your Female Metabolism, And Helping You Drop Up To 3 Dress Sizes In As Little As One Week...Even If You've Been "Cursed" With Bad Genetics.

The Venus Factor weight loss program is successful because it addresses each individual woman’s needs. As each person is unique, the Venus Factor begins with a custom nutrition plan. A number of factors are taken into consideration when creating a personal nutrition plan. The woman’s body type, fitness level, weight, age, and height are all important factors when determining her nutritional needs.

Download the Best Female Weight Loss and Body Re-Shaping System

This is the look I really wanted my entire life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it. I wasn’t this lean and fit since I was a teenager."
Naomi Sandoval - Gainesville, Florida
Vital Stats: Age 46, weight lost 45 lbs., inches lost: 7" on waist, 5" on hips.
I love my pictures, very excited, this is the look I really wanted my entire life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it.
And I owe this achievement to the team at the Venus Factor, because I wouldn’t have gotten in such a shape without them and their program.


"Eight children in 12 years and I look and feel better than I ever have in my entire life!"

Michelle Acorn, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Vital Stats: Age 33, weight lost 26 lbs, inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on hips.
Venus was a completely new approach to me. I never tried anything like it, the workouts were challenging and the diet simple, completely contrary to what I did in the past.
This is the first time I realized that losing fat and getting in shape is not complicated, in fact it’s pretty simple stuff.
I didn’t even go to the gym; I was just working out at home.
And I didn’t even have to restrict myself at social events, pretty much no one knew what I was doing.
It was really the easiest thing I have ever done.

Click here to visit the official John Barban Venus Factor website to purchase and download the Venus Factor PDF ebook, the Venus Factor workout videos, and complete 12-week fat loss system.  Gain instant access to amazing tips, insider techniques, fat burning exercises for women, and the newly discovered "female fat loss loophole" on how to finally rid your body of ugly and embarrassing body fat by using fast, long-term, and enjoyable fat burning strategies with the help of world class expert in nutrition, physiology, and biology, John Barban.

Plus, learn the recently discovered hormone responsible for 100% of the body's ability to lose fat and the 2 unique problems this hormone poses in women that kill female fat loss, why "leptin resistance" makes it much harder for women to lose weight than men (despite having twice as much of this fat burner in your body than men do), why dieting can actually cause a dramatic drop in this special fat burning hormone leading to the dreaded "weight loss plateau" and rebound weight gain, and exactly how John's step-by-step, easy to follow instructions and fat burning exercises for women inside the Venus Factor download will help you use the principle of "metabolic override" to reset your female metabolism and unlock your body's full fat burning potential so you can finally have a firm, flat stomach, the tight, sexy look and feel that turns heads, and the confidence to love your body...Click Here to Get Started Now!

That’s the good news!

However, brand new research revealed the following bad news that explains why women can struggle so much to lose unattractive body fat and keep it off:
Women can be 3 times less responsive to Leptin’s signal to burn fat than men. This means even though women have a lot more Leptin they just aren’t using its fat burning potential. This condition is known as “Leptin Resistance”. An obvious sign of Leptin resistance is the soft, squishy, cottage-cheese looking fat found in your problem areas. However, Leptin Resistance is just 1 of 2 unique problems that kills female fat loss.

The second unique problem women face with Leptin is that when dieting, your Leptin levels can drop twice as much and twice as fast compared to when men diet. As talked about, when Leptin drops your metabolism hits the brakes and slows right down. This is exactly why you experience frustrating weight loss plateaus on diets so much faster than men.

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